Choosing the dataset(s) you plan to make open is the first step – though remember that the whole process of opening up data is iterative and you can return to this step if you encounter problems later on.
If you already know exactly what dataset(s) you plan to open up you can move straight on to the next section. However, in many cases, especially for large institutions, choosing which datasets to focus on is a challenge. How should one proceed in this case?
There is no requirement to create a comprehensive list of your datasets. The main point to bear in mind is whether it is feasible to publish this data at all (whether openly or otherwise) - see this previous section.
We recommend that you ask the community in the first instance. That is the people who will be accessing and using the data, as they are likely to have a good understanding of which data could be valuable.
- Prepare a short list of potential datasets that you would like feedback on. It is not essential that this list concurs with your expectations, the main intention is to get a feel for the demand. This could be based on other countries’ open data catalogs.
- 邀請大家共同討論。
- Publicise your request with a webpage. Make sure that it is possible to access the request through its own URL. That way, when shared via social media, the request can be easily found.
- 建立一個簡單使用的回應機制。不要要求大家來註冊個帳號,因為這樣一來願意回應的人數將大為減少。
- Circulate the request to relevant mailing lists, forums and individuals, pointing back to the main webpage.
- 發起一個討論諮詢活動。確定選擇一個適當的時間舉辦這個活動,讓一般的商業人士,資料異議者和官員們都可以共同參與。
- 邀請一位政治人物來代表您的組織對外發言。開放資料在某種程度上應該要能納入一個更大的政策推動,一個提昇人民取得政府資訊的權力的政策。
How much money do agencies spend on the collection and maintainence of data that they hold? If they spend a great deal on a particular set of data, then it is highly likely that others would like to access it.
This argument may be fairly susceptible to concerns of freeriding. The question you will need to respond to is, “Why should other people get information for free that is so expensive?”. The answer is that the expense is absorbed by the public sector to perform a particular function. The cost of sending that data, once it has been collected, to a third party is approximately nothing. Therefore, they should be charged nothing.
Sometimes, rather than deciding which data would be most valuable, it could be useful to take a look at which data is easiest to get into the public’s hands. Small, easy releases can act as the catalyst for larger behavioural change within organisations.
Open data is a growing movement. There are likely to be many people in your area who understand what other areas are doing. Formulate a list on the basis of what those agencies are doing.