
This handbook is about open data but what exactly is it? In particular what makes open data open, and what sorts of data are we talking about?


This handbook is about open data - but what exactly is open data? For our purposes, open data is as defined by the Open Definition:

開放資料指的是資料可以被任何人自由使用,重複使用和散佈 - 在其限制上,最多我們只能要求使用者標示資料來源與所有人。

The full Open Definition gives precise details as to what this means. To summarize the most important:

  • Availability and Access: the data must be available as a whole and at no more than a reasonable reproduction cost, preferably by downloading over the internet. The data must also be available in a convenient and modifiable form.
  • 重複使用與散佈: 資料必須使用允許重複使用和散佈並包含可以與其他資料集混和使用的授權聲明。
  • **Universal Participation/普及的參與**:任何人都能自由使用,重複使用和散佈。所以就不能禁止全面使用,以及限制特定人或團體的使用權利。舉例來說,”非商業使用”限制”不能用在商業”用途,或者只能在特定目的下使用(例如只限教育用途)。

If you’re wondering why it is so important to be clear about what open means and why this definition is used, there’s a simple answer: interoperability.






Readers have already seen examples of the sorts of data that are or may become open - and they will see more examples below. However, it will be useful to quickly outline what sorts of data are, or could be, open – and, equally importantly, what won’t be open.

The key point is that when opening up data, the focus is on non-personal data, that is, data which does not contain information about specific individuals.
