Getting folks in a room: Unconferences, Meetups and Barcamps

Klātienes pasākumi var būt ļoti efektīvi, lai iedrošinātu citus izmantot jūsu datus. Iemesli, lai apsvērtu organizēt pasākumu var būt:

  • Finding out more about prospective re-users
  • Uzzināt vairāk par pieprasījumu pēc dažādām datu kopām
  • Finding out more about how people want to re-use your data
  • Enabling prospective re-users to find out more about what data you have
  • Dot iespēju potenciālajiem lietotājiem satikties (piem., lai tie varētu sadarboties)
  • Iepazīstināt ar jūsu datiem plašāku auditoriju (piem., pateicoties blogu ziņojumiem vai informācijai plašsaziņas līdzekļos, kas tiek publicēta pateicoties jūsu organizētajam pasākumam)

There are also lots of different ways of running events, and different types of events, depending on what aim you want to achieve. As well as more traditional conference models, which will include things like preprepared formal talks, presentations and demonstrations, there are also various kinds of participant driven events, where those who turn up may:

  • Vadīt vai noteikt pasākuma darba kārtību
  • Iepazīstināt tos, pārrunāt, kas tos interesē un ar ko tie šobrīd nodarbojas
  • Sniegt improvizētas mikro prezentācijas par lietām ar ko tie nodarbojas
  • Vadīt nodarbības par to, kas tos interesē

There is plenty of documentation online about how to run these kinds of events, which you can find by searching for things like: ‘unconference’, ‘barcamp’, ‘meetup’, ‘speedgeek’, ‘lightning talk’, and so on. You may also find it worthwhile to contact people who have run these kinds of events in other countries, who will most likely be keen to help you out and to advise you on your event. It may be valuable to partner with another organisation (e.g. a civic society organisation, a news organisation or an educational institution) to broaden your base participants and to increase your exposure.